This is an app that is aimed at Catholics, and it aims to cover a lot of issues, topics and areas in the Catholic faith. It is one of the better reviewed Android Google Play Store Catholic apps, and it does cover a lot of areas.
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Catholic Droid’s main navigation screen includes links to each of the areas:
- Bible
- Daily Reading
- Prayers
- Rosary
- Conscience Examination
- Pontifex Twitter
- Vatican News
- Way of the Cross
- Ten Commandments
- Commandments of the Chirst
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Bible And Daily Readings
WIFI or data is necessary for the Bible and Daily Readings part of the app, it is pulling directly from the internet for these two sections. The developer states clearly on the app page in the Google Play Store that it is to reduce the size of the application. I know from other bible apps that having all of the content of the bible within an app makes the app very large, so good for this developer for making it smaller. I can appreciate that!Image may be NSFW.
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The Bible section is pretty well thought out. You can switch translations very easily. There are 14 language translations that are available for use. With several versions for English including King James Version, Revised Standard Version, Doua-Rheims Version, and other languages, including two portugese, Laten, Illation, Hungarian, Greek, French, Finish, Spanish, and Croatian.
When you jump into this section, a quick tutorial pops up. Tapping on the top left will allow you to select the book, and chapter of the bible that you want to start reading. Swiping up keeps you going through the chapter, and swiping to the left or right moves you to the next chapter. This makes it pretty quick to jump to where you need to go. And in case you missed the left and right tutorial, there are left and right buttons at the bottom of each screen.
Daily Reading
Unfortunately this part of the app caused the app to crash. I tried it on a couple of devices and it won’t work for me. I am sure it was just a blip, but I was a bit disappointed that it wasn’t working. Android can be pretty fragmented, so trying to build it so that it runs on millions of different devices is hard. I have other daily reading apps to allow me to get the daily readings, but I’ll come back to this part of the app and keep checking in on it.
Prayers & Rosary & Examination of Conscience
This area covers all of the common prayers including some prayers for saints. It’s a good compilation.
The rosary section is a little less put together than the rest of the app. It works, but it isn’t really ‘beautiful’. The rosary slides through each of the mysteries. But it is up in the top left corner of the screen. I am not sure why, perhaps on a phone device it would be a bit more functional, but my mid sized tablet isn’t the best for it.
The Conscience Examination, for Catholic confession, is a great section. It looks like lots of time was spent on this. Each of the commandments is broken down into questions, and under each question is a button to Select Yes/No (They are all no by default). After you have gone through the process of examining your conscience, you can touch the confession button at the top, and it walks you through a confession and includes the items that you marked yes to in the Examination. That is great. I always need extra help when it comes to examinations, I end up forgetting things, and not covering everything that I should. The confessors that I go to haven’t had a problem with me referencing mobile apps for helping me confess.
@Pontifex Twitter & Vatican News
You will need data or WIFI for these, you will also need to authorize the app to connect with your twitter account. (Although I am not sure why that would be necessary to view the feed). Follow Pope Francis on twitter to keep up with where he is, and great comments on events that unfold quickly.
It looks like the vatican news is a pull in off the English news feed from the vatican. What is fantastic about this is the it connects in with all of the Pope’s messages, even the General audience material and the Pope’s Homilies and reflections.
Way of the Cross, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Ten Commandments, Commandments of the Church, and Sacraments
These five sections are all information based, and either take you to a list or a write up. It’s great little collection of the basics of each of these areas. The Way of the Cross contains artwork for each of the stations, which is nice to have during a meditation like the Stations of the Cross.
This Could Make the Essential Catholic Android List
It I had a list going of Essential Catholic Android apps, this would make that list. It is very Catholic. It is easy to use, It’s a really big app (size wise), and it contains lots of good material to keep it fresh. It isn’t trying to be the MEGA catholic app, but is growing over time, looking that the developer’s history of the app, it is growing and getting better and better. I just love that this developer is investing more and more time and talent into this app.
The only downside is that is a FREE ad supported app. I would love to pay for an app to remove the ads. This seems to be more common on droid apps, and allows the developer to make money over time. So I see the reason behind it, and as a Catholic Android app developer myself I can understand the need to be paid for your time.
Overall, this is a fantastic app, it has a bit of everything, with room to grow. Download this free Catholic App on the Google Play store, it is exclusive to Android and with a name like Catholic Droid, it’s easily found.
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